Healthy Culture at Workplace

Identifying a culture within the workplace

Every company, whether small or large, needs a healthy workplace ethos and beliefs, where employees thrive. We all know that a business flourishes with high productivity of employees and employees tend to work efficiently only when there is a friendly environment in office.

Let’s understand how we can create a healthy environment for our employees at workplace:

# Employee diversity – It is very important to have people from different age-groups and ethnicities in an office. This distinction allows employees to interact with different kinds of people to generate new ideas.

# Inventiveness – A healthy work environment is the one where there is innovation and creativity. To encourage employees to produce creative ideas, it is very important that all employees should be open to present their thoughts.

# structured workplace – The work should be divided efficiently among all the employees so that there is no overlapping of duties. When there is a clear work hierarchy, no employee will feel neglected in the workplace.

# Flexible – Every business should be flexible as rigidness often creates dull environment in the office.

# Team work – All employees should be encouraged to work in teams. This allows every employee to feel comfortable and friendly with each other. This is actually the first step towards a healthy environment at workplace.

# Safety – Your office space should be highly maintained and secure for the employees.

# Focus on wellness – Employees should be offered opportunity to have a good health. Every company should have the health check-up provisions for all the employees.

Key points for a fulfilling and satisfying work environment 

  • Observe your surroundings, how the other employees’ interact with each other.
  • Stay positive, you can also display inspirational quotes and posters in your cubicle.
  • Be unafraid to stand for right, your clever ideas will be heard only when you have a good relationship with your colleagues.
  • Create a shield of trust around you and show everyone your performance in actions more than words,
  • The more the care you put in, the more than other will show to you

With all these pointers in mind, an employer can attain the trust of the employees that in turn creates a cordial relation between the employees and the employer.

workplace culture is the shared values, belief systems, attitudes and the set of assumptions that people in a workplace share. … And, most importantly, a positive workplace environment reduces stress in employees

Employees who are treated well by the company are able to produce more revenue for the company

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Confidence-Building Activities

Image result for confidence building activities
  1. Be positive.
  2. Each day, create one small task to stretch beyond your comfort zone.
  3. Do something unexpected on purpose to let go of your inhibitions.
  4. Create a good self-image.
  5. Speak slowly and distinctly.
  6. Achieve small, easy-to-attain goals to help you feel successful.
  7. Change one small habit daily. At the end of the day, write down five things you are grateful for.
  8. Declutter your living and work space.
  9. Try a new path. Walk Tall, Smile & Exercise
  10. Be nice to others.


Compiled by:


A Pharma professional with width and depth of experience spanning 39 years across key functions in the pharma space (start-up/Large Indian Co / Growing / MNC) having Excellent track record of providing leadership with Core competence in Sales, Business Development/Marketing, Distribution/Logistic at All India Level. Currently Heading Compliance Department at Jagdale Industries Pvt Ltd. Also Mentoring in Pharmaceutical Consulting & Market research.

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  • PharmaState Academy

    Thanks for sharing this information.

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