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QR Codes & Data-Matrix Codes | Pre-event Press Release

Pre-event Press Release | Delhi | 2nd December

The innovative method of networking that uses QR codes makes it possible to exchange contact information digitally. Just like your smartphone allows you to quickly access information by scanning the QR code. 

QR codes can be scanned and used to gain access to a variety of services. This technology can be applied by the pharmaceutical industry to its services for patients, physicians, drug manufacturing, supply chains, logistics, etc.

In addition to assisting in the prevention of drug counterfeiting, which has become a problem in recent years, QR codes on medications will also make it easier for regular people to find accurate information about the medications they are taking.

In order to further explore this topic, PharmaState Academy and Chekkit are teaming up to present a live interactive session titled “QR Codes & Data-Matrix Codes” This discussion will advance our understanding of excellent tools for digitizing the pharma industry.

To better understand how much the professionals in the pharma industry know about QR codes and Data-Matrix codes before the webinar, PharmaState Academy conducted three polls over the previous week.

“These are excellent tools for digitizing pharma, but do you know the difference between a QR Code and a Data MatrPharmaState Academy addressed and polled participants on the question, with only 45% responding “yes” and the majority unaware of the difference.

Data-Matrix Codes and QR Codes differ significantly, despite the fact that they have a similar sound. Unlike Data Matrix Codes, which have a little less data capacity and are primarily used for particular types of product inventory, QR Codes offer a considerably broader range of applications and can contain more data.

Poll Link 1  |  Poll Link 2  | Poll Link 3 

Another survey asks, “Do you think QR Codes & Data Matrix Codes can be a good solution to control the fake/spurious drug issue in Pharma?” The survey receives a positive response, with 73.7% in favor

Poll Link 4  |   Poll Link 5  |  Poll Link 6

“Would you like to attend the Webinar “QR Codes & Data-Matrix Codes” to learn about Excellent tools for Digitizing the Pharma Industry?” asks the final poll in the PharmaState Academy survey, which received 80.5% favorable feedback for the learning webinar.

Poll Link 7  |  Poll Link 8

The following are the key takeaways from the webinar:

  • Engaging patients and doctors with QR code technology.
  • Providing patients with healthcare information as part of initiatives for healthcare education.
  • Utilizing QR codes, supply chain management, and product distribution can be tracked.
  • Promotional and Loyalty Programs for Consumers
  • Monitoring of drugs and anti-counterfeiting
  • Insights & Data on Consumers
  • & Numerous additional cases

Participants will be able to learn directly from the following speakers:

Ashok Kumar Bhattacharya (Global Healthcare Consultant)

Biplab Lenin (Legal Expert – Pharma & Healthcare  at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas Law Firm)

Dr. Chandrashekhar Abhyankar (Pharma Packaging Expert with 30+ yrs experience)

Dare Odumade (Founder & CEO, Chekkit Technologies, USA)

Sourav Das (Founder & CEO – MyRx)

You can do free registration by clicking the link.

Pharma Marketing, Sales, Packaging, Manufacturing, QA, QC, CEO, Director, Pharmacovigilance, Medical Affairs, and other teams should attend the webinar

About Chekkit:

Chekkit offers technology solutions for the consumer goods and pharmaceutical industries. It has extensive experience working with small, medium, and FTSE 100 companies across several continents, with a focus on manufacturers/producers of consumer goods and pharmaceutical products. It is incorporated in the USA and Nigeria.